I shouldn't say..as I work as a tourist guide ! BUT the best time of the year to visit Sicily is not really now, in August!! too much hot, too much humidity and it's really hard to combine sea & culture, nature & archaeology.... Prices are higher as well, and August in general is full of Italians on holiday!! the best moment to me??? Apart Spring time, September, but I really like October which is a wonderful time! These last days we had almost 40 degrees celsius..and almost 80 % humidity!! Also for a guide it's too much!! More granitas,more ice creams, more coffees, hats, light clothes, sunglasses, sun-umbrellas.....and you can survive! -------------------------------- Forse non dovrei dirlo, in quanto lavoro come guida turistica, nè tantomeno dovrei suggerirlo. MA Agosto non è il momento migliore per venire in Sicilia! Fa troppo caldo, c'è troppa gente in giro e risulta difficile mettere insieme il mare e l'archeologia,la natura...