It's nice, sometimes, looking for old photoes...... memories, episodes, feelings,relations come back to mind and heart... This was MY FIRST TIME at THE GREEK THEATRE in Siracusa, my hometown... We were visitng the ruins together with friends and some relatives .living in Rome. I still remember very well that moment when I asked to my parents to take that picture I absolutely wanted!!! I breathed that magic air there for the first time......and today working at the theatre almost empty in the late afternoon ,I again breathed the same magic and it reminded me this photo. ------------------- A volte è piacevole rovistare tra vecchie fotografie.... ricordi, momenti, emozioni , storie ritornano alla mente ed al cuore... Questa è stata la mia prima volta al teatro greco di Siracusa, quando con tanto orgoglio mostrammo ad alcuni amici e parenti di Roma le bellezze del nostro teatro!! Ricordo ancora benissimo la gioia di quel momento,e di come ...