This is what I wrote a couple of days ago, terribly angry after reading that the Regione Sicilia, Tourist department has decided to have new snowboard and Ski instructors . Nothing against these type of professions..but do you really think this is a priority about Tourism in Sicily and the cahotic situations about tourist guides and the new rules? Maybe the hot temperatures of these days let THEM think about Sicily as an ideal winter sport destination!! MAH! Sorry it is written in Italian angry ,so I preferred to use my mother tongue language... ------------------ SCIPIONE L’AFRICANO O CONON ILBARBARO? Numquam est tam male Siculis, qui aliquis facete et commode dicano Qualunque cosa possa accadere ai Siciliani, essi lo commenteranno con una battuta di spirito Cicerone (In verrem - De Praetura Siciliensi) La notizia del giorno, anche se è stato deciso già da qualche settimana, è che l’assessorato al turismo regione Sicilia nella persona dell’a...