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Visualizzazione dei post da febbraio, 2013

the best book about Sicily!

from the Greek columns  to Baroque Tutta la nostra storia  è qui! In uno degli angoli più suggestivi della splendida Cattedrale di Siracusa. Mi piace raccontarla così., come un libro da leggere sulla nostra storia di Sicilia dove nessuna pagina è mancante! ---------------- All our history is here! One of the most amazing view inside the Cathedral of Siracusa. I like to tell its beauty as the best book you can read about the History of Sicily where no page is missing !

to really "feel" a place

ph. by Nadia Sardone Sometimes, blogging ......reading here and there , on social networks like Fb, your thoughts match others' way of thinking and it's beautiful to share the same point of view , notwithstanding distances. Feelings, emotions, ideas have no boundaries and no distances can divide people who speak the "same language" I adore the picture I posted taken by the architect Nadia Sardone (she is actually working in the area of Venice) because  I  could immediately  "see" through her eyes what  she felt...observing her new temporarily  world from that red bench!.  Here what Nadia wrote commenting her picture: "Campo S Alvise- La prima volta che arrivai in questo Campo mi ritrovai subito stupita da ciò che si stava manifestando ai miei sensi ed alla mia vista... e seduta su queste panchine ho chiuso per un attimo gli occhi e ascoltato ciò che accadeva intorno. Siamo così abituati al rumore della città... al traffico veicolare.....

Montalbano? Coming soon

ciak si gira!- last summer at the stairs of  St. George in Modica! Good news for Montalbano's followers! New  4 episodes  for new investigations by the not at all  conventional Inspector coming next spring on Italian TV: here the Italian titles: La Lama di Luce Una Voce di notte Il sorriso di Angelica Il gioco degli specchi a presto!

Tenacious - sailing side-by side as equal !

 Last week the tall ship Tenacious came back to Siracusa! Together with the Lord Nelson , the Tenacious belongs  to Jubilee Sailing Trust , a registered charity promoting the integration of people of all physical abilities. These  two vessels  are specifically designed and built to able people with a whole range of different physical abilities to sail side-by side as equal, all around the world. The crew is also partly made of volunteers and everybody on board can experience  a full and active part in sailing. The Tenacious was launched in Sauthampton in 2000 and since then 12,000 people have sailed on it,crossing the Mediterranea sea through the winter seasons.  --------------- La Tenacious è tornata ancora una volta a Siracusa.  Insieme al veliero Lord Nelson , entrambi appartengono alla Jubilee  Sailing , Trust un 'organizzazione mondiale con base a Sauthampton che da anni promuove l'integrazione dei diversamente abili. ...

a new season starting again

enjoying the wonderful sun at the Greek Theatre in Siracusa!  A new tourist season is coming! Hopefully full of satisfaction greetings from Noto!


yesterday it was  the last day of the celebration of the International Tourist Guide Day in Italy! Since 1990 - 21st February , every year  all guides, all over the world, let people know what they  do and the way they  do it   with love and competence, promoting their places in favour of local cultural and social development. This year, as far as Italy from 16th  to 24th February it was   a great success. From Sicily to Val d'Aosta almost 200 different events totally free, offering special tours to everybody.   Tv and press promoted our initiatives  and we are so proud and happy. In Siracusa we had really a wonderful  weekend last week, opening temporarily the new excavations  about the Ionic temple, the so called Artemision in Piazza Duomo below the Townhall. Beyond any expectations we had thousands of visitors and  innunerable compliments.  The  number of visitors on our Artemis...

Opera House in Siracusa: Teatro Massimo -work in progress

via Roma  Many people ignore that Siracusa, in the splendour of  Ortigia, has an interesting Opera House.  Built at the end of the XIX century , since early 1930'ies  it has been not  working anymore. Good news recently! WE visited the Opera house a few weeks ago and this time ( after past  failed announcements)  they said  that it  could be ready in a couple of months. I WANT  to believe it now. prevoius old material?

‘Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde’ - Simona Molinari con Peter Cincotti

‘Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde’ - Simona Molinari con Peter Cincotti It was one of my favourite songs at the first day at Sanremo Festival..... Many people say they don't like Sanremo Festival...  I enjoy the festival thgis year..good quality of songs and tonight some more of my favourite. yesterday I enjoyed Simona Molinari and Peter Cingotti... good feeling good music good atmosphere and... what a fabolous dress for Simona  


 Since 1990 all over the world  on  the 21st February Tourist Guides celebrate the World Day of Tourist Guides - promoted by the World Federation of Tourist Guides association and in Italy by the National Association of Tourist  Guides - to let people know  their wonderful job,  through their competence and passion offering free tour guides in their own cities and sites . Here in the following link you'll find all the initiatives  around Italy from 16th February to 23rd February . In Siracusa something exceptional:  the inauguration of the Artemision, the ruins of the Ionic temple underneath the Baroque Townhall in the splendour of  The Duomo square in Ortigia. Here me and my friends/collegues preparing the weekend on 16th & 17th February more details next days...