New & good plans /promises for 2011?
What are yours?
What about mine? hmmm..
- Start a new master about tourism & finish a course I'm attending to..
- Learn Spanish (but this is the third year I promise!!) Quien sabe!!!
- Travel more...and about my plans/promises or better say about my dreams..there's a voyage to Mexico and Copenhagen for my birthday..
- To be in a better shape...last year I didn't do enough sport
- To defend myself from who doesn't know me at all and fight more for what is mine!
- much time for my best friends and family
- put in practise some ideas about my job..but they're still ideas in my mind..
- more relaxing time for my love
- to work better in my blog, hoping to start a good exchange with my readers and followers
- believe more in men..but this is really hard..
- help unlucky children
- this spot and,at the end of the year, say: Very good Lucia, you did all!!
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