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Visualizzazione dei post da aprile, 2012

the last barber in Marzamemi...

   I saw this man looking at the sea with nostalgia. I thought he was an old fisherman I approached him and talked a little with him He had the baber's shop in Mrzamemi Among his clients, he also had the prince Nicolaci, during his summer holidays, when he came to check the business of the tonnara (tuna fishing complex)  

olive's flowers

Did you know that only 3 or 5 % of the flowers of an olive tree becomes availbale fruit to make olive oil? Now it's the time for their blooming.. --------------- Lo sapevate che soltanto il 3 o 5 % dei fiori di un albero d'ulivo si trasformeranno in olive utili per la produzione del'olio?

One question: will they survive??

Waiting for a group of tourists last Thursday in Noto at the Villa Comunale - the Public gardens: every thursday there are some producers selling their local products......   I did some shopping...a lot of straberries and  two Fucsia and two little plants of lavander.. The question is : once at home...will they survive??? I'm not a good gardener..but I try... .  

Apartment for birds??

 A due passi dal splendido mare di Marina di Ragusa, un locale, apertosi un anno fa..... ha creato ..un condominio per uccelli?? A me piace tanto.. ------------------------------------------------ next to the beautiful blue sea in Marina di ragusa, there's a restaurant - bar with this... Is it a condominium for birds?  The effect is nice....

Where's the theatre??

Every year between April and the end of June our beautiful Greek theatre looks like this...disappearing below amounts of wood !!! Still workong for the imminent Ancient Greek Drama festiva l, from May 11th to June 30th. this season: PROMETEO  BACCANTI  UCCELLI WE are wondering what about the scenery?  every day it's a surprise, something more.... we'll understand better and better next day s .

total relax!

Everybody loves Sicilian food!

I took this picture in a restaurant at Piazza Duomo to me a Dutch family around the table: mammy, dad , daughter and the doll.  The doll had a wonderful mixed salad all for it!!!

Etna:::so close!!!

When it's quite clear , it seems so close to Siracusa!!

That's really a Sicilian balcony !!

CULTURE WEEK : Plazzo Montalto - Siracusa

      for one week till next Sunday 22tn April, Palazzo Montalto is open to visitors every morning. It's partly restored and it's really one of the jewels of the medieval times in Ortigia. It's just an area of the old building survived, but it's really "splendido".

I'm happy to read it...thanks

3 Il gioiello di Mezzagnone nello scatto di Lucia Iacono "LE FOTO PIU' BELLE DEI NOSTRI LETTORI" Rubrica curata da Elisa Montagno Per la Sessantasettesima uscita della rubrica “Le foto più belle dei nostri lettori” scopriremo il gioiello di Mezzagnone, unica costruzione di questo tipo nella Sicilia orientale, grazie allo scatto di Lucia Iacono. L’edificio che pare risalire al periodo compreso tra il IV ed il VI secolo e citato da diverse fonti storiche, è al vaglio tutt’ora di studiosi ed esperti che stanno cercando di capire se fosse stato un edificio termale di epoca romana alimentato dalle acque della vicina Fonte Paradiso o una Chiesa di epoca bizantina. L’edificio presenta una pianta a croce latina (m.19x12), blocchi di calcare locale di dimensioni ineguali e le stanze intercomunicanti a mezzo di porte piattobandate, una a cupola emisferica ottagonale in cocciopesto alla sommità, l’altra con volte a botte a tutto sesto. E’ un mo...

from NIcolaci Palace: what a view!

to the south : towards Noto marina, Eloro,  Marzamemi.....

Nostalgia......due e quattro motori!

today, in Noto

Old identity cards in Camarina

Tra le meraviglie che il museo archeologico di Camarina custodisce: le carte d'identità dei nostri cari antenati greci. Ben 153 piccole lamine in pimbo d forma rettangolare,risalenti al V sec a.C. , sono state rinevute nell'area del Tempio di Atena e più esattamente nello spazio antistante il naos. Tutte presentano il nome ed  il patronimico da una parte ,ed un numero ordinale  e la voce tribù dall'altra.. Sicuramente si trattava di vere e proprie carte d'indentità dei cittadini maschli poi deposte all'interno del tempio quando, mutando le condizioni poitiche, ovvero cessata la fase repubblicana, vennero conservate perchè non più utili. -------------------- Among the wonderful pieces collected at the archaeological museum in Camarina (Ragusa): the identity cards of our great Greek ancestors! Exactly 153 little rectangular strips of lead , dated Vth b.C. ,have been founded in the area corresponding to the temple of Athena, close to where the cella was. Every pi...

Mezzagnone -from a Mausoleo to an Hammam !!

a few days I stopped to work as a tourist guide to attend a seminar about a project between the province of Ragus and Malta  for a workshop about Heritage trails in the minor archaeological sites of the two areas. It was a great  occasion to be half student and half tourist! Here and in next posts the places included in the project ARCHEOTUR we studied and visited. MEZZAGNONE -Bagno a Mare   near the little town of Santa Croce Camarina:  it has been  considered the ruin of a Christian church with Latin Cross for years. Nowadays there's no doubt,after some archaelogical excavations and investigations.  It was a mausoleo ,that is a Funeral monument of the VIth century when the Gotes had just invaded Sicily before Bellisario led its conquest by the Byzantine. Then , the building changed into an Hammam during the Arabs.  

Easter: different sides of the same holiday...

(in these days....very busy - veru tired and..a little bit sad...)