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The caponata of the Inspector Montalbano... simply sciavurusa!

Yesterday I was at the street market in  my Ortigia and I ate a  wonderful  caponata When  it was served at my table that marvellous vision reminded me the description given by Andea Camilleri in one of the episodes of his popular Inspector: " The moment he opened the refrigerator, he saw it.  Caponata! Fragrant, colourful, abundant, it filled an entire soup dish, enough for at least four people. It had been months since Adelina, his housekeeper, last made it for him. The bread, in its plastic bag, was fresh, bought this morning. The notes of the triumphal march of Aida came spontaneously, naturally, to his lips. Humming, he opened the French windows after turning the light one the veranda. Yes, it was a cool night, but still warm enough to eat outside. He set the little table, brought the dish, the wine, and the bread outside, and sat down " (Excursion to Tindari, Andrea Camilleri) There were three Dutch tourists reading  carefully th...
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Donne siciliane.... (di Paola Mentuccia) (ANSA) - ROMA, 23 NOV  16- "Non è stata una storia di vanità, è stata una storia di vita". Letizia Battaglia ha iniziato a scattare foto per pagare l'affitto di un appartamento a Milano, quando collaborava come freelance per il quotidiano di Palermo L'Ora. "Avevo una macchina fotografica e ho raccontato quello che c'era intorno a me". Quella "scatola magica", come lei la definisce, le ha permesso di entrare nelle case, di raccontare la vita più intima delle persone e la storia dell'Italia, di essere testimone dei più cruenti fatti di mafia, della condizione delle donne e di trasmettere al mondo intero il suo tenero sguardo nei confronti dell'umanità...

you'll find it!

depends how you read it!

Do you know why  when you're really stressed  you like to eat chocolate and desserts? Because if you read stressed from the end you read  desserts!!! I love English!!  cookies courtesly made by Katia Amore  @ lovesicily

wedding made in China

Ortigia: prove tecniche di trasmissione

Doorways at Graziella -Ortigia

 In the heart of Ortigia the Graziella ('A Razziedda in Siclian) is the old fishermen district it's name comes from the devotion to the Madonna delle Grazie tha is Virgin Mary of Mercy  always considered the protector for fishermen  its still an area preserving   somehow the arabic influence in its architecture and layou t